President Biden asked the audience at a Detroit NAACP chapter dinner to consider whether they think former President Trump, if elected to a second term in the White House, would fill hypothetical vacancies on the Supreme Court with “anyone who has a brain.”
In a political speech at the NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner on Sunday, Biden attacked his political rival for nominating judges to the high court, which ended up contributing to decisions he views unfavorably.
“He brags about being able to overturn Roe v Wade,” Biden said of Trump. “Not only does it deny reproductive freedom, it worsens the death rate for Black mothers, who are nearly three times more likely to die from pregnancy complications than a white woman.”
“Trump openly encourages voter suppression and electoral subversion. He and his MAGA extremists destroyed affirmative action,” Biden added.
Biden asked the crowd to consider who else Trump might nominate for lifetime terms on the court, and promised to nominate judges who will “judge fairly” while urging the crowd to elect him and Vice President Kamala Harris to another term.
“Let me ask you, if he is re-elected, who do you think you will put on the Supreme Court? Do you think he will put in someone who has a brain? Biden said. “Guys, look: like Dr. King said, give us the ballot. We will place judges in the courtroom who will judge justly and show mercy.”
“We will re-elect Kamala, myself and a Democratic Congress and we will help the NAACP. We will sign the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, the Voting Freedom Act and make Roe v Wade the law of the land again,” he said, referring to several pieces of legislation that are central to the Democrats’ platform. In a divided Congress, legislation guaranteeing voting and reproductive rights must meet a high threshold of support to pass.
Trump, while in office, appointed three conservative justices to the nine-member Supreme Court bench. Trump and political observers on both sides of the aisle often credit his choices with some of the most high-profile legal decisions of recent years, including the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Wade, which guaranteed the federal right to abortion.
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