The Biden campaign on Monday launched an all-out effort to highlight two years since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Wade, highlighted by a video in which President Biden quotes former President Trump’s boasts about ending Roe.
“Here’s what Donald Trump says about his freedom: ‘After 50 years of failure with no one coming close, I managed to kill Roe v. Wade. Wade,’” Biden says in the video, citing a May 2023 Trump truth social post.
“Two years ago, Trump-picked Supreme Court justices helped overturn Roe v. Wade. Wade,” Biden adds in the 45 second video published by his campaign.
“Decades of progress were destroyed just because the last guy spent four years in the White House,” Biden continues.
The president continues to warn that “Roe is just the beginning” for Republicans, who he says could target birth control and in vitro fertilization treatment and pursue a national abortion ban.
“We face extremism,” adds Biden. “Send me back to the White House and I will fight like hell to restore Roe v. Wade.” Wade and protect American freedom.”
Reproductive rights have been at the forefront politically in the two years since the Supreme Court’s conservative majority put an end to Roe v. Wade. Wade, with some states enshrining the right to abortion and others enacting restrictive laws that effectively ban the procedure.
During the campaign, Trump was repeatedly credited with ending Roe v. Wade. Wade through the appointment of three conservative justices to the Supreme Court. But he also refused to take a position on a federal limit on abortion, saying instead that it should be left up to each state to decide, through legislation or referendum, how to handle the procedure.
Democrats have repeatedly linked Trump to restrictive abortion policies enacted in Texas, Florida and other conservative states, highlighting stories of women who, as a result, have been unable to obtain adequate health care.
The Biden campaign has signaled it will take advantage of the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Wade on Monday to draw more attention to the issue and blame Trump for the state of reproductive rights in the country.
“Donald Trump is solely responsible for this nightmare,” Biden said in a statement through his campaign. “For him, these cruel state bans are a ‘beautiful thing to see’ – and they are just beginning.”
While Biden will be at Camp David on Monday preparing for his upcoming debate against Trump, Vice President Harris will travel to Maryland and Arizona for remarks focused on the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s abortion decision.
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