The squatters promised to stay inside Gordon Ramsay’s pub – claiming they would reach an agreement with the landlord.
The freeloaders agreed on Thursday to leave after the arrogant TV chef, 57, father of five, obtained a possession order from the High Court.
Bailiffs taped copies at the £13m Grade II listed York & Albany Hotel, demanding the intruders leave immediately.
Some started to leave yesterday – but a group still remained this afternoon.
One attacker said he would stay, adding: “We made a deal.
“With the owner, not with Ramsay.
“We’re still here and we’re still going to be here. We’ll be his safety.”
Another man, who said his friend was staying inside, said he had no intention of leaving.
He said: “They will wait for the bailiff.
“That’s basically what they’re going to end up doing.”
Banners that were hanging on the porch, which read “whatever they say, the invaders will stay” and “occupy the lot”, were removed by the occupants.
On Thursday, sixty people were believed to still be inside the pub in Camden, north London.
A source said last week: “It’s an absolute nightmare scenario for poor Gordon.
“The pub was temporarily closed whilst he finalized a new lease and during this handover period a gang of professional squatters somehow bypassed all security and CCTV and gained entry.
“They have now taken up residence in the building and are slowly taking over the place, leaving their rubbish everywhere and blatantly telling local residents that this is now their home.
“They’ve glued all the locks tight and are cooking up a storm in the kitchen, which is especially irritating for Gordon.
“Some are crashing on the sofas, but others have taken over the beautiful bedrooms. God knows the damage and the dirt.”
Some of the attackers were seen leaving yesterday with plastic bags on their backs.
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