
Football player and social media influencer top career choices for kids – while being PM comes last | UK News

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Being a footballer or a footballer are the most popular career choices for children, according to new research – with being prime minister coming in at the bottom of the list.

Of the 1,306 children aged between six and 17 questioned across the UK, almost a fifth (17%) said they wanted to be a football player, with the same percentage choosing a footballer or a streamer – a type of social media influencer. social – as a career.

Only 4% chose prime minister as their preferred role.

The YouGov survey for the charity Great Ormond Street Hospital (Gosh) was carried out days after the general elections were announced and just as England and Scotland prepared to Euro 2024.

Traditional roles, such as lawyer and veterinarian, tied at 7%, while 4% chose activism as a career they would like to pursue.

Only 4% of children said they would like to be prime minister

Last MayData released by the Office for National Statistics found that the most common occupation in England and Wales was sales assistant.

It was found that young people aged between 16 and 34 were entering the engineering and technology sector more than young people aged 50 and over.

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Louise Parkes, chief executive of the charity Gosh, said the new research reveals the “hopes and dreams of a generation of children and young people” and the new and emerging career areas that are attracting their attention.

She encouraged the public to donate to help the charity treat seriously ill children and give them the “best childhood possible” and hopefully move on to the careers of their dreams.

This story originally appeared on read the full story

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