June 8 — Members of the LaSalle Educational Club Inc. will celebrate the achievements of 19 Niagara Falls High School students at the 55th annual scholarship and awards program. It will be held at 6pm on Friday at Niagara Falls High School.
In the past, the club only considered students whose goal after graduation was to attend college or vocational school as scholarship recipients, but that has all changed.
The club realizes that for some students, serving their country is as important as continuing their education and therefore choosing to join the military. If any student makes such a sacrifice, they also deserve to be among the recipients of financial support.
The students honored this year are:
— Shaker Griggs
—DaShia Royster
—Anthony Feagin
—Charity Hosler
— Jayla Scott
—Abigail Biery
—Gabriella Butera
—Zackary Kayster
— Casey Campbell
—Judge Bradberry
—Isabella Maynard
—Rafay Bawamia
—Landon Sanders
—Maio Barto
—Rima said
—Bria Freeman
—Carson Robins
—Melianis Y. Calazzo-Castillo
Ly’Kwaun Platt will serve his country and upon completion of basic training, will receive the LaSalle Educational Club Inc. student award.
Since 1957, the club has raised awareness that good grades bring rewards. It is a fact that education is power. Along with high school students, the club will pay tribute to Constance Washington and Karen Harries, two extraordinary people who helped the community and children of the Niagara Falls School District make a difference in their lives.
The keynote speaker is Leah Halton-Pope, whose theme will be “Education is Power”. Her extensive experience in government relations at multiple levels and a deep-rooted commitment to public service led her to assume the roles of Ellicott Borough Councilwoman and Majority Leader on the Buffalo Common Council in January 2024. Halton-Pope was one of organizers for President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign.
The LaSalle Educational Club believes that it takes a lot of effort to raise a child. For this reason, we involve young children in the program from the speaker’s introduction until the end of the program. The students involved this year are Alexiana Dolson, Miah Walker, Layla Allen, Peyton Mitchell, Andrew Soda, Gabriella Stearns and Bryce Daniels.
The club is supported by community organizations, churches, donors, city officials and past scholarship recipients such as Ron Hamilton, who donates $1,000 to the Pete Ivey Memorial Scholarship, and Stephanie Jones, who contributes $1,000 to the scholarship.” I Can”. .
Those wishing to join can call Joyce Sanders for tickets at 716-282-3637.