June 15—HANCEVILLE — The City of Hanceville hosted several discussions regarding its cybersecurity options on Thursday, June 13.
Two representatives from SmartFox Solutions, an IT services contractor based in Decatur, Alabama, provided Hanceville employees with estimates to provide IT preventive maintenance services as well as the installation of a security camera system Thursday night. fair.
SmartFox already maintains an off-site, isolated backup server for the city to use in the event of a cybersecurity attack. IT manager Daryl Robinson said the company could also offer preventive software for on-premises network devices for about $7.50 each.
The city also requested a cyber liability insurance quote from the Alabama Municipal Insurance Corporation. Mayor Jimmy Sawyer said the annual cost provided for coverage was just over $10,000.
Robinson said most cybersecurity insurance packages require the installation of some type of preventative software like that available from SmartFox.
Ultimately, Sawyer recommended making a decision on all three estimates until more information could be obtained.
The council also finalized the repeal of an ordinance that included age requirements for receiving tattoos and piercings within city limits.
After a brief discussion, the city moved forward on rezoning the Jonathan Black property from a residential district to a commercial district.
Councilman John Stam questioned the motivations for Black’s rezoning request, but offered no objections after learning that he had expressed interest in “getting into Sawyer’s corrugated pipe business.”
Sawyer said Black already owns two adjacent properties and hopes to use them for pipe storage.
Before concluding the meeting, Hanceville attorney Dan Willingham recommended that the board enter an executive session for the purpose of discussing potential litigation as well as an individual’s overall reputation and character.
The board reconvened in regular session after approximately one hour and took no further action on the matters discussed during the closed portion of the meeting.