HORRIBLE footage has been released of a swimmer being chased by a crocodile after failing to realize it was approaching him.
A man was caught in a terrifying situation when a crocodile appeared behind him while he was in a lagoon in Mexico.
The video first appeared on Reddit and appeared to have been recorded by onlookers nearby.
The footage first captured the man swimming in the murky water with the reptile’s shadow appearing behind him.
As soon as the man noticed the crocodile, he began to swim frantically towards a rock wall, which would take him to dry land.
People recording the encounter could be heard screaming in terror, saying “no” as the man tried to flee.
He stopped swimming at one point to take off his shoes and throw them on land.
The swimmer then tried to pull himself out of the water, but failed on his first attempts.
At one point, he is seen throwing his head back before diving into the water.
The man then disappears from the camera’s view, before reappearing.
He was seen bobbing up and down in the pond, apparently fighting the reptile.
The man seemed to free himself from the water and managed to hoist himself onto dry land, using the stone wall as leverage.
Once safe, the swimmer appeared to lie on the ground for a few seconds as he took deep breaths.
He then put on both shoes and walked back to the wall to look at the water.
The cameraman managed to get his attention after balancing, shouting “Hey” and whistling at him.
The man walked towards the middle of the road, where he began to shadow the camera.
He then left and the video ended there.
An image circulated online showing a gash on the man’s thigh.
It was not confirmed whether the crocodile bit him or whether the bruise was a result of his escape.
This is not the only crocodile attack that has happened recently.
In South Africa, a crocodile keeper was poking the creature when he was suddenly provoked and bit him in front of a crowd.
The Nile Crocodile, known for having the most powerful bite in the world, wouldn’t let go of the man.
He clamped his jaws below the trainer’s waist and pulled him to the ground.
Another crocodile joined the attack, creating a horrific situation.
At one point, the beast broke free, allowing the keeper to escape with his life.
This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story