Those of us who made a bowl of popcorn and had a drink, then curled up on our couches to watch the presidential debate, got a firsthand look behind the curtain at who has been leading our country.
It wasn’t the man on the right.
He was just the one who was supposed to be leading. The Democratic Party knew this was coming. It is necessary to debate, especially when your party is behind in the polls.
Biden and Trump did not debate: They showed a nation in free fall
They could no longer hide it. They informed him as best they could and sent him alone to find the podium and prayed that he would.
What we saw was who we voted for. But what we got – and apparently for a while, it seems – was a country that must have been ruled by an army of puppet masters who took the place of the president.
What we saw was a man who could not command decisions, articulate orders, or summarize and codify thoughts.
Someone else is running the show. Certainly, many of them. Everyone swore silence about the truth.
He had “a cold,” one of his aides said in the post-debate conversation.
He made valid and good points, said another. The other guy was lying, said another.
What we saw was evidence that the program was run by someone else – for years.
Mark Williams, Phoenix
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This article originally appeared in the Arizona Republic: The presidential debate revealed this clearly. Joe Biden is not in charge