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As Madison County Deputies Fight to Stop an Escape Chevrolet Silverado, the decision is made to resort to the big guns. These are, of course, Arkansas State Police. Two local soldiers line the shoulder of the two-lane rural highway at the start of this thrilling dash cam videoready to attack as soon as the suspect passes by.
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Our car with camera takes command of the chase and quickly catches up to the suspect’s truck. Considering it is an older Silverado and there is a huge toolbox on the bed, it is understandable that the policeman would advance on him like a cheetah.
The big question, though, is why did the deputies fight to stop this guy? Do they have stricter pursuit policies or slower cruisers?
Even if the officer quickly gets into position to do a PIT maneuver, this suspect won’t make things easy. He starts shaking the back of the truck like an exotic dancer, making it inadvisable to pin him to the PIT. As the trooper backs away, the Silverado passes right in front of his patrol car.
As the officer prepares to take revenge on the truck’s rear quarter panel again, the suspect sees the move and begins going back and forth on the now four-lane road, again making the maneuver risky, if not impossible, to pull off.
Not long after that, the suspect turns the tables on the soldiers and police by slamming on the brakes and making a sudden U-turn. As he gets behind a soldier, the secondary is on him like white rice almost instantly, then the suspect goes back to slashing hard left and right.
Realizing he needs to get off the highway as more police line up at the side street intersections, he makes a sudden left. The truck can’t make the sharp turn, so it swerves onto the right shoulder on the country road, hits a bump, takes off, and crashes into a pole as sparks shoot out.
It’s a shocking end to a thrilling chase, but once again ASP gets their man.
Image via Police Persecutions/YouTube