
What Snoop Dogg Will Bring to NBC’s Paris Olympics Coverage

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snoop Dogg is on the line from Eugene, Oregon, where he’s joining NBC’s coverage of the USA Track and Field trials, to talk about his new TV gig and upcoming Olympic trip to Paris. Hot on the heels of his memorable Olympic commentary with Kevin Hart on the Peacock streaming service during the recent Summer Olympics in Tokyo 2021—a clip of Snoop saying that a horse at the dressage competition seemed to be doing the same Crip Walk went viral—NBC hired Snoop as a special correspondent for the Paris Games.

But just as Snoop is about to discuss the Olympics draw and what he hopes to deliver to the viewing public back home, a car alarm goes off nearby. And just like any other red-blooded American trying to have a calm conversation on a Sunday afternoon, he pauses for a moment before closing the lid.

“Where is the driver? Hang up,” says Snoop Dogg, exasperated but calm. But it won’t stop – beep, beep, beep. So Snoop has had enough.

“Turn off your damn car!” Snoop Dogg, to my great delight, yells at his offending neighbor, my cell phone capturing the entire conversation.

In an instant, the alarm stops and everything goes silent.

Thanks, Snoop.

Interview crisis averted, Snoop, 52, is now ready and eager to talk about the Olympics. With the Games exactly one month away — the opening ceremonies begin on July 26 — here’s the multiplatinum rapper, producer, actor and entrepreneur on why he started watching the Olympics, who he’s excited to see in Paris and a possible I meet this horse that walks lame.

(This interview has been edited and condensed for length and clarity)

While growing up in Long Beach, California, what are some of your earliest Olympic memories?

Bruce Jenner and the box of Wheaties. Ray Leonard Sugar boxing. Edwin Moisés. Things of that nature.

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What made you fall in love with the Games?

Back then, we only had so much. It’s not like now where you have so many different things to watch, social media and all that shit. We only had television. There was only one TV in the house, so no matter what one family member was watching, we were all forced to watch it. The Olympics were big because they took over the entire house whenever they took place. And it’s special because you’re seeing athletes for the first time in three, four years and they’re representing the country. So that meant a lot, watching it as a kid.

When NBC came to you about this show, why did you sign on?

Why not? No, why. That’s what I do, you know what I’m saying? I love being in front of people. I love sports. I know what I’m talking about. The network is attractive enough to understand that we deserve each other. So let’s make magic.

And what do you plan to bring to NBC’s coverage that we may not have seen before?

The fire and the smoke.

What do you mean by that?

You find out. I’m sure you’ve been doing this shit long enough to figure out what I mean by that. [Laughs]

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Any stories you want to do in particular in Paris?

I definitely want to roll with the [U.S.] basketball team. And I definitely want to try getting in the water. See if I can get a 50-[second] a time beyond me in the 50 meter freestyle.

I’m just a boy who’s living his dream. I ran the 200 today. I wanted to pole vault until I saw what that shit was like. I was like, ‘No way.’ I’m going to try the high jump. Does not require poles and support [them] up in the air.

There are things I will try. And at the same time I respect the sport and I respect the Olympics.

Do you plan to try equestrianism?

Me and the horses, I’ll let them dance while I talk.

I saw somewhere that you are going to try to find the horse you said was crippled walking in Tokyo.

Yes, I’m definitely trying to get to know him. I hope he’s at the Olympics so I can say, ‘What’s going on?’ for him. Bring him some carrots or some apples or something, you know what I’m saying?

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Have you been to Paris before?

Yes many times. I have performed in Paris several times. I ran through the Arc de Triomphe. I’ve been to a lot of big buildings out there, classic buildings from back in the day. They never change. I’ve been all over Paris.

What is special about the city for you?

Love. Love is in the air when you get there. You feel the love.

How’s your French? Have you been working on it?

No, I don’t think I need it. I think they like my language, you know what I’m saying? They will convert to me. I will translate for them what we are saying.

Do you think that Caitlin Clark should be on the US Olympic basketball team?

I just wish they had the best team possible. They are not lost in about 18 years. On the women’s side, in basketball, in the Olympics, they know what they’re doing. What they said is basically that she’s great, but I don’t believe she’s gold medal worthy until she gets her stuff together in the WNBA.

This is a big step from college to the WNBA. I love what she’s done for the sport in general. But you have to understand that these are experienced WNBA players to do that. And when you’re going for that gold medal, you want your best girls out there.

You just watched Sha’Carri Richardson wins 100m title at the US Olympic Trials. What do you think of Sha’Carri?

She’s living young, wild and free. She should do this. She should be wild. She should be everything she is. The setbacks prepared the return. I love the way she does it, the way the team supports her, the way she has great people around her. She’ll be fine.

She had a big setback before the last Olympics, as she missed the Games after testing positive for cannabis, which is on the sport’s banned list. Do you think cannabis improves athletic performance?

No, I just ran 34.44 in the 200 meters and was smoking all night. So this shit has nothing to do with helping my time. That ruined my time, actually. Unless they have something amazing to make you faster. Let me know where it is and I’ll be the first to try it.

Cannabis is illegal in France, not sure if you knew that.

Yeah yeah. Trust me, I’m a really nice guy.

Do you plan to lobby the French government to change this while you’re there?

Oh no. I intend to go there and do Olympic work at NBC. Be clean as a book, clean like athletes. They can test me if they want. I’ll be out there doing what I’m supposed to do to make sure I bring home the gold. Which am I.

Any international Olympians you’d like to see in Paris?

The Australian swimming team, against the Americans. They push us to the limit. And I like the Jamaican track team. AND Canadian national basketball team. They have a chance to make it to the gold medal round, but they won’t win. They have a chance because they have a lot of NBA players who are really experienced and at the top of their game. But the general factor will be that the US is the dog. We won’t lose to any puppy.

What do you think of the Canadian star? Shai-Gilgeous Alexander as a player?

I think he’s the Snoop Dogg of basketball. I love the way he plays, his style. The way he stays focused and improves every time he steps on the court. I love his game. I respect this.

Why is he the Snoop Dogg of basketball?

Look at him. He looks like me. He has braids, he is discreet, he is the Silent Assassin.

What is one Snoop perspective you can bring to the Games that no one else can?

It’s just me. It’s hard to explain. I can’t say it’s going to be a bag of chips, Kool-Aid, but I know it’s me. Put some plastic around me and let me go there, I’ll do what I do. You can sell it to me. I’m sold.

Anything I didn’t ask or that you want to say before I go back to watching the trials in Oregon?

No, I just go there to have fun. Potpourri. Comment ok. Yes yes. And all of the above.

This story originally appeared on read the full story

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