The 2024 college football season will be fascinating for several reasons. Conference realignment will be a big story. The same will happen with the 12-team College Football Playoff. USC will be in the Big Ten. Oklahoma will be in the SEC alongside Texas. The Big 12 will look very different. Another big new component of the 2024 college football year will be the use of direct communication between coach and player via helmet. One player from each team can receive helmet communication on the field.
Coaches and schools are realizing that their IT specialists and computer experts will play an important role in college football games this season, just as football scoop reported in the process of talking to football operations employees across the country:
“We are hiring an IT consultant to travel with the team, and a university IT technician to travel with us,” he said. “Someone with more knowledge about fiber optics and copper in the stadium.”
Football Scoop rounded up more quotes from other football operations employees:
“I will depend a lot on my video manager to translate (the questions), to put them in English,” he said. “We want to try to anticipate as many issues as possible before Game 1 arrives, when a tablet fails or the headset doesn’t work.”
Having fluid access to technology, with minimal buffering and delays, could be crucial in a new world where helmet communication as well as sideline tablets (for watching video of games) will be allowed in college football. The 2024 season could be an even wilder ride than any of us currently imagine.
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