O Saturday in the South The report on USC football’s desire to forego LSU’s season opener contains a specific note about the television networks’ view of the situation. Fox Sports is front and center.
From Matt Hayes’ story at SDS:
At one point, Fox Sports got involved and tried to move the process forward. The network did not like the idea of USC’s first game as a member of the Big Ten being broadcast on rival ABC/ESPN.
“They weren’t leaving the game,” a source told SDS.
LSU athletic director Scott Woodward and Las Vegas Bowl executive director John Saccenti, both present at the SEC’s annual spring meetings here, declined to comment.
How committed was Riley to leaving the game? Renowned sports agent Trace Armstrong represents Riley and LSU coach Brian Kelly, and a source told SDS that Riley asked Armstrong for help in changing Kelly’s mind. Did not work.
One can understand Fox’s position here. It is notable that if this were simply a network/cable dispute, USC would not be seen as the party that attempted to adjust the situation. As it stands, USC is seen as the party that wanted to change this agreement.
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