Dr. Jenn Mann, MFT, a licensed therapist, reveals the main problems experienced by romantic partners with a huge age gap between them.
Mann said it can initially be exciting when one partner is much younger than the other, like Bill Belichick, 72, and Jordon Hudson, 24, who share a whopping 48-year age gap.
“When people get older, they may think it’s refreshing that a young girl is looking at them adoringly and is attracted to them and is interested in him,” he said. Dr. told The US Sun.
“[But] there is a huge gap in life experience – in just a few years on this planet, in how it helps us evolve, develop and mature.”
“Even the most mature young person, when there is a 40-year age difference, the older people are incredibly immature.
“You are not in the middle when it comes to development and life experience.”
Dr. Mann said a common consideration for older male partners would be the younger woman wanting a father figure.
“Typically, younger women are attracted to much older men because of unresolved issues with their parents,” Dr. Mann added.
“This could be a lack of attention, a lack of love, someone not being there, or even someone being in the house but not being there as they would like them to be.”
Dr. Mann noted that sexual and intimacy issues may begin to come into play as the older partner may not have as much energy.
What’s more, for older men, “it typically becomes more difficult to get and keep an erection,” she said.
“There are issues related to sexual performance, which can create other risks when it comes to taking medications for sexual performance.”
Socially, Dr. Mann suggested that problems can arise between a couple when they mix with friends from different generations.
“In this case, if they are with Bill’s friends in their seventies or even sixties and fifties, a 24-year-old woman at that table will probably have a hard time finding common ground socially,” she said.
By Emma Bussey
This story originally appeared on The-sun.com read the full story