
MMA fighter horribly has elbow completely broken in half after being put to sleep while referee watches

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A mixed martial artist has released a positive health update after suffering a horrific elbow snap and being put to sleep in front of the referee.

Jiu-Jitsu black belt Sven Groten was in the octagon against Rene Haendel, in a Versus wrestling match, in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.


The referee made a mistake when Sven Groten missed a submission and fell unconscious during a Versus wrestling matchCredit: X@Max_Randall
Groten hit the referee but insisted he would come back stronger


Groten hit the referee but insisted he would come back strongerCredit: Instagram sven_nogi_jj

During the cage fight, Haendel managed to put Groten in a reverse triangle.

Groten was forced to try and tap out as the choke intensified, but the referee missed the tap before Groten lost consciousness during the SEVEN second chokes.

Haendel then twisted the German’s limp elbow, looking up in disbelief that the fight was continuing.

The referee finally called off the fight after realizing Groten was unconscious before performing a Brazilian leg raise.

After the frightening ordeal, Groten revealed he was in good spirits.

He revealed that he avoided damage or fracture to the bone, but suffered a dislocated elbow.

On his Instagram page, Groten criticized the referee for the delay before declaring that he would win a rematch.

He said: “So that sucked. I was choked and my elbow dislocated. No bone damage, more information soon.

“I am in the hands of the best medical professionals with @sportsdoccgn and @pi.fisio.

“Thank you to the team for your love and for everyone reaching out individually. However, the referee failed terribly.

“There is absolutely no blame on my opponent @rene_haen, you were better yesterday.

“I’ll crush you next time we compete. That’s a promise. I’ll be back. Better.”

Despite the defeat, Groten exited the competition with silver after previous victories over Jurriën Van Marle and Abdul-Vakhid Berzishchev.

This story originally appeared on read the full story

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