The digital platform TikTok released this Thursday (9) eight characteristics common to its users of different generations, based on an unprecedented study on transgenerational behavior on the platform. Check it out below.
The research, carried out by Box1824, sought to understand how generations interact on the platform and revealed that humor (51%), finance (48%), entertainment (47%) and relationships (44%) are topics that interest them all: Baby Bommer, X, Y and Z.
Furthermore, different generations would see TikTok as a healthy and safe place for useful content and learning.
The research also shows that learning new things (21%) or looking for product reviews (20%) are among generation Y’s favorite content.
Topics related to “relaxing” are consumed by 40% of Generation Z, 39% of Generation X and 31% of Baby Boomers.
For 25% of generation X, TikTok is the place where they primarily get information.
And, when it comes to fun, 49% of generation Z and 43% of the Baby Boomer generation say they consume this content on the platform.
Eight similar characteristics across all generations of TikTok users
1) Fear of losing autonomy: for older generations, fear is related to health, while for younger generations, fear is related to economic difficulties;
2) Centrality and importance of humor;
3) Respect, honesty, family and love are the main values for all generations;
4) Everyone feels like they are living a incomparable moment with other generations;
5) Mental health is important for everyone;
6) The entertainment is one of the main interests;
7) Technology works as a shortcut for life and is in favor of social well-being;
8) Be a big brand has a lot of value.