Youtube channel engineers Hacksmith Industries created a costume inspired by the franchise’s distiller uniforms “Dune“, which transforms sweat and urine into drinking water. In the story that takes place 20 thousand years in the future the Fremen, desert dwellers, have to reuse their body moisture, as moisture is scarce in the environment.
Using computer parts and personal protective equipment (PPE), content creators managed to make functional clothing in just one day. When asked how the liquid tasted, Darryl’s response was “just like water!”
To build the stillsuit, a thermoelectric refrigerator was used, a piece designed to cool electronics that have a cold and a hot pole. The side with the lowest temperature was inside the suit, attracting moisture from the trapped air — not unlike a dehumidifier. The water was directed into a bag and the quantity was enough to drink “in sips”, even though it was hot.
With an air filter purchased from a sporting goods store, engineers were able to ensure that the air breathed into the mask would be safe — as it is reused inside the suit. The creation was tested with Darryl spending time in a sauna and going to the gym, proving that the design worked. To finish, they put on a gray jumpsuit just to look like the costume from the film.