An image found in lid of a sarcophagus 3,500 years ago discovered by archaeologists in Egypt sparked a discussion on the internet due to its similarity with Marge Simpsonthe matriarch of the series “The Simpsons“, from Fox.
The painting shows a woman with yellow skin wearing a long green strapless dress and her hair in a rectangular upward shape colored blue.
The similarities between the characters were the subject of a forum on the Reddit platform where users made observations such as: “the only documented time in history where The Simpsons didn’t do this first”.
In addition to these more comments on Reddit joked about the similarity with the character in the series: “I think that makes it the longest-running program in history”, “the Egyptians predicted the Simpsons and the Simpsons predicted the future” and “let’s quickly search through all the episodes of ‘ The Simpsons’ to see if Marge is somehow connected to an Egyptian-themed plot.”
Inside the coffin were the mummified remains of Tadi Ist, daughter of the high priest of Hermopolis Magna, the capital of the 15th nome (administrative divisions) of Ancient Egypt located on the western bank of the River Nile.
Next to the figure on the object’s lid are high priestesses who represented the 12 hours of the day. “They imagined the afterlife as a kind of journey that you had to take to get to paradise — but it was a pretty dangerous journey, so you would need magical help along the way,” commented John Taylor, curator of Ancient Egypt. and Sudan from the British Museum in its blog.
The sarcophagus was discovered in early 2023 in an Egyptian cemetery, where they also found objects made of ceramic and wood, including covered urns, canopic vessels — used to store the entrails of an embalmed body — and shabtis — a type of figurine used during practices funeral homes to honor the dead.
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