The game “The Sims” announced that a new expansion will allow the game’s characters to practice polyamory. The new feature also brings other new features, such as the inclusion of a dating app for Sims, Canto do Cupido.
Paixão à Vista, the 16th expansion of the fourth unit of the franchise, will be launched on July 25th, at 2 pm (Brasília time). The game is available for Playstation 4 and 5, Xbox One and Series X|S and PC.
“Now, it will be possible to define the approach to Sims’ romantic relationships. Therefore, it will be possible to date several Sims without impacting other relationships”, says the announcement from Electronic Arts, the distributor of The Sims.
The new expansion brings the city of Ciudad Enamorada into the game’s universe, where characters will be able to enjoy more in-depth and complex love relationships. For example, four different dynamics were created that will define how Sims relate to each other: healthy, hot, tense and unpredictable.
Sims will also have affections and dislikes that will determine which characteristics of other people can generate interest or disgust in them, which can include personality traits, hairstyles, clothes and interactions. The more your Sim interacts, the more they develop the romance skill and unlock new possibilities for interaction.
Watch below to the expansion launch trailer: