Welcome to the inaugural board meeting of The Vergecast Inc. The only item on today’s agenda? Build the largest technology company in the history of the universe. We will borrow, steal and buy the best products and businesses from technology companies around the world to offer the best product line possible. Money is not a problem, although we would like to earn some at some point. Let’s start.
About this episode of The Vergecast, our co-hosts – Nilay Patel, Alex Cranz and David Pierce – trade their microphones and headphones for suits and ties and spend an hour starting a technology company. (Shout out to The big picture to get inspired by the format.) The rules are quite simple: we can take one product in each category we choose to enter, although we can only take one product from a certain company. By the end of the exercise, we will have our lineup of gadgets, apps, B2B money makers and more.
Make sure you listen before reading the list below as it completely ruins the entire episode.
But if you want a refresher, here’s The Vergecast Inc.’s official product line:
What do you think we got right? What have we lost? Please let us know and we will bring the matter to the attention of the board before the next meeting.