Arc browser is getting a cool new feature of Live Calendar which presents your next Google Calendar meeting in the sidebar before it starts, so you don’t miss any important calls. It includes a countdown timer and a Google Meet join button that you can see and access without opening the Calendar tab.
To set up Live Calendar, first make sure you’re updated to the latest version of Arc (version 1.47.1). Then just open Google Calendar in Arc, log in, and drag the tab to the bookmarks section directly below the URL. With Google Calendar pinned, you will receive a new “Live Calendar Available” message confirming that the feature is active. You can right-click your favorite Google Calendar tab to change Live Calendar settings, like when you want the next meeting link to appear and the ability to hide the time until the next meeting if the countdown makes you anxious .
Bow it already had a Google Calendar tooltip feature that lets you hover over the tab to see a preview of your upcoming meetings and a button to join them. However, it did not display reliably for some Border employees who use Arc daily. We hope the new Live Calendar feature solves this, essentially becoming a widget that you won’t need to hover over.