Dealing with your phone’s battery life can be frustrating, especially when you don’t know why it’s draining.
Luckily, Google has some tips and tricks on how to extend battery life with your Pixel phones.
To extend the battery life of your Google Pixel phone, you can set Battery Saver to turn on automatically.
This useful feature conserves battery power by minimizing background activities and visual effects.
You can turn on Battery Saver to activate automatically when your Pixel’s battery reaches 10% or 20%, with notifications alerting you.
You can also manually turn on Battery Saver at any time.
For even greater power savings, you can activate Extreme Battery Saver on your device.
There is a setting for the Battery Saver function to work automatically.
In other words, without having to manually turn it on every time you want to use it.
See how, according to Google Blog:
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- Open the Settings app.
- Tap Battery, select Battery Saver, and go to Calendar & Reminders.
- Make sure “Activate based on battery level” is enabled and adjust the slider to the percentage you want.
For Pixel 3 and later devices, you can choose between Standard Battery Saver and Extreme Battery Saver by going to the Settings app and selecting your preferred mode under Battery Saver.
Extreme Battery Saver “saves even more power” by pausing all non-essential apps, according to Google’s blog.
Use the settings icon next to Extreme Battery Saver to select which apps you want to keep running when it’s turned on.
For those who want to try using Battery Saver but tend to forget the feature exists, there is a way to keep it updated.
You can try to enable battery saving reminders by doing the following, according to the Google support page:
- Go to your phone’s Settings app.
- Select Battery and navigate to Battery Saver, followed by Calendar & Reminders.
- Activate battery saving reminders.
Google Pixel battery tips – the official guide
Here’s Google’s official advice for Pixel owners on how to boost battery power…
Tip 1: Let your phone close apps you’re not using.
Tip 2: Keep your phone and apps updated. Apps become more battery efficient with each new iteration, resolving bugs and crashes that consume unnecessary power.
Tip 3: Lower the brightness. Save your eyes by lowering your phone’s brightness and saving battery. You can also set your phone to the Dark theme, which turns the background black. It consumes less energy and also relieves some eye strain.
Tip 4: Know which apps and activities consume a lot of energy. Pixel users should be aware of which activities drain their batteries the most. Video calls and games are at the top of the list. Users should also shut down apps they have open but are not using.
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