Samsung issues ‘storage error’ warning that’s hurting your phone’s speed – list of six easy fixes takes minutes

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SAMSUNG users have been warned to watch out for an error message about storage full that could slow down their devices.

Samsung’s dreaded warning has been appearing on more and more phones and tablets as users gain access to a growing number of attractive apps and services.


Samsung has issued an alert explaining how to deal with a full storage warning on its devicesCredit: AP
There are at least six simple ways Samsung users can free up storage


There are at least six simple ways Samsung users can free up storageCredit: Samsung

When a device’s storage is almost full, the entire operating system can become seriously slow.

To help users facing this issue, Samsung recently issued a warning along with tips on how to avoid the problem.

“Running out of storage space can have several different effects on a device’s performance, such as crashes, errors, and general slowness,” the company states. explained.

“Once you free up storage space, your phone or tablet will be back to normal,” they promised.

Some options for freeing up storage are available in Settings, while others can be used through other channels or apps.

From streaming videos to seamlessly opening multiple browsers, freeing up storage can make almost everything run a little faster.


Before you worry about trading in your current phone for an upgrade with more storage, try some of these space-saving tricks from Samsung.

First, explore the storage tools automatically included on your device.

Consider using a cloud service to automatically sync your files between devices.

Try using the Device Care option to find and remove unnecessary files.

Easy-to-miss Samsung menu ‘optimizes’ your phone in seconds to increase battery life and performance – three settings to adjust

Second, think about moving files to another device or storage hub.

SD cards are small, affordable options that fit most Samsung devices to automatically extend their storage capabilities.

Third, try to uninstall all unnecessary apps – they can often take up a lot of space.

“You can free up space on your device by uninstalling apps you don’t use often. Keep in mind that some carriers and preloaded apps cannot be uninstalled,” says Samsung.

“To uninstall an app, locate it on your device and tap and hold it. Next, tap Uninstall and confirm by tapping OK. The app will now be uninstalled.”

Samsung charging tip – how to charge better

Here’s Samsung’s official advice…

To get the most out of your smartphone’s battery, you’ll need to charge it properly.

Most smartphones have a lithium-ion battery that lasts longer when charged regularly.

Unlike the nickel batteries used in older phones, lithium-ion batteries work best when kept above 50% charge.

Repeatedly allowing the battery to fully discharge may shorten its lifespan and decrease its overall capacity.

If this happens, you will need to charge the battery more frequently and it may only last a few hours before needing to be charged, for example.

Leaving your phone connected to the charger (when the phone is fully charged) while using it can shorten the battery life if you do it repeatedly.

Fourth, delete any duplicate or large files.

You should be able to find them by doing a quick file search, or you can use a third-party app to identify and delete the biggest and baddest files on your device.

Fifth, be sure to empty the trash.

It can be easy to forget that simply pressing Delete won’t remove an item from your computer until you empty the trash.

Sixth, decide if a full factory data reset is worth it.

While this nuclear option completely wipes your device and requires reinstalling all of your content and settings, it also allows for clean storage.

This story originally appeared on read the full story

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