TRAVEL experts have revealed their top tips on the best way to reset after a long trip.
Nicole Cueto, a travel expert and consultant, has traveled to more than 40 countries over the past 20 years.
Over her years of experience, Nicole has acquired habits that make the transition back to normal life after traveling much easier.
She recommends that travelers fly overnight, stay hydrated during the trip and have “at least 12 hours to reset” before returning to work.
As long as passengers follow this “trifecta”, returning to work will be much easier, according to Nicole.
Long-distance travel can be physically and mentally exhausting.
This makes it tempting to snuggle straight into bed after a long flight.
However, this can be costly as your body clock doesn’t adjust, leaving you up all night and tired the next day, according to Laura Lindsey, an expert on global travel trends.
Instead, stay awake throughout the day to synchronize your circadian rhythm back to normal.
Laura added: “If you really need a nap, keep it short – a two-hour nap is enough to increase your chances of a good night’s sleep.”
The expert explained that taking a walk in the sun is another good way to combat jet lag.
“Our bodies are designed to respond to daylight – we want to be awake when the sun comes out and sleep when it gets dark,” she said.
It’s important to get out in the sun regardless of how tired you feel, the expert added.
When bedtime comes and you’re struggling to fall asleep despite being “on the verge of falling asleep all day,” try to make your sleeping area as comfortable as possible.
Laura said: “Take a 30-60 minute wind down period without electronics, turn on the fan for some white noise, and close the curtains so it’s pitch black.”
Another way travelers can avoid hassles after returning from vacation is to stock up on easy-to-prepare foods before boarding, according to travel experts.
Most tourists are too tired to do their weekly shopping right after a long-haul flight.
By stocking up on easy-to-prepare foods in advance, travelers can ensure a tasty meal when they return.
It comes after a travel expert revealed the £2.75 Holy Grail item she used to help her through difficult long-haul flights.
And this travel genius has shared the exact booking times to snap up 5-star hotel stays for under £100.
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